#agent stone x doctor robotnik
gleaming-glasses · 2 months
Forgot how sassy tinkerbell is
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r3d-artist · 2 months
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He’s actually insane, he’s one of us….
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feral--opossum · 2 months
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Stobotnik week day 7: Movie AU
Is it really an AU if nothing really changed? Maybe. Idk. Enjoy the Castaway reference.
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yumyumlum · 5 months
I’m sorry but I’m not sorry.
My headcanon is going crazy, and all I want to do is post squishrific ideas and read Stobotnik slash and kinky fics.
Also I think there is a serious lack of tickle fics between these 💕 Maybe I should write one??
Who is top? Stone or Robotnik? Who should win? Most sensitive places? Who is more ticklish?
Also I’ve figured out what the three finger thing means when Robotnik takes the coffee from Stone. It officially means worship - in cult practices it stands for freedom and worship (typically lucifer.)
So he’s basically doing secret tiger paws at him, and saying ‘I love you, I worship you’ as he takes the coffee from him. That is official gay love - not brotherly love.
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artwithkroe · 2 months
I'm aware it looks shit but I am tryingggg I've never drawn this bald man b4
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 5 months
Stobotnik soulmate au where robotnik doesn't bother thinking about his soulmate because he's learned enough about people to know that he would only be disappointed
Stone meanwhile is a very obsessive person from a very young age and he is going to become worthy of being at his soulmates side no matter what he has to do to get there.
Agent stone learning everything he can about robotnik through any means necessary and tailoring himself into someone worthy of, if not being acknowledged, at least being useful. He could be at least as useful as a table, all they do is hold things.
Actually the table that doctor robotnik built has a lot of useful and deadly features. Whatever. Stone can be as deadly as a table, laser guns or not.
Eventually he finds himself polished enough that any further refining will have to be done with the doctors input to keep him from developing counterintuitive habits. He can and will adjust everything from how he makes coffee to how he walks to his very breathing to be optimal for doctor robotnik himself.
Meanwhile robotnik is a genius among genii. By the time he got to week three without wanting to kill his newest assistant he knew a variable must have changed for the outcome to be so different. His apparently soulmate doesn't quite have his respect, but he is pathetic in an endearing way, and at least stone is willing to put in the minimum effort needed to attempt to be passable keeping a spot in the doctors life.
Now to decide what the most optimal spot for stone in his life actually is
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enaelyork · 10 months
Me as a moodboard
Thx @starlady66
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Okay, it's maybe a hyperfixation moodboard but... ^^"
I tag @obsessed2fics, @lady-of-imladris, @elisabethvanroseblood, @fenharel-enaste
I use canva
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jamgamy · 2 years
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designs on the right belong to @dantouboshi
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obsessed2fics · 5 months
~ Doctor's Plan ~
Agent Stone x (f) reader
Part three {the masterlist}
Warnings: none
Word count: 14.8k
The agent woke up early that morning and went for a run. There was no one around except some stray animals. A gentle cold wind was hitting his face.  Meanwhile, in the back of his mind, he was still thinking about how to put Robotnik's plan into action. It wasn't easy and he had to keep a low profile while doing all this.
While he was running in his usual direction, he noticed a detail that he had not paid much attention before.
'Employee wanted for Karen's Coffee '
At that moment, it was as if everything fell into place like a puzzle piece. He hadn't realized before that this was exactly what he had been looking for for days.
When he completed his run and returned home, he took a quick shower and got dressed. Y/N was asleep on the couch. Out of spite, she turned down Stone's offer to sleep in his bedroom. She could very well sleep on the couch and as she said she was already used to. But eventually they came to an agreement; one week, one would sleep on the couch while the other would sleep in the bedroom. This way, both of them would have equal conditions. They decided who would sleep on the couch the first week by tossing a coin.
While Stone was placing the portafilter in his hand into the coffee machine, was also making a bacon omelette.
"I don't like bacon." Y/N said as she stepped into the kitchen.
Stone was startled by the voice, but quickly regained his composure and looked over his shoulder at Y/N. "Okay... How would you like your omelette then?"
"Umm... I'm not in the mood for an omelette today." Y/N said and yawned. She went to the refrigerator and started looking inside.
"Okay, what would you like to eat then?" Stone asked as he turned off the stove.
Y/N didn't answer. At that moment, she didn't want to eat anything she saw in the refrigerator. She closed the refrigerator's door, sat on one of the chairs, and started drinking the coffee Stone had made for himself. "Thanks." she said just before taking the first sip.
Y/N was already drank half the coffee before Stone told her he made that coffee for himself. He left the plate in his hand on the table and started making himself another coffee.
"Bagels. I want bagels. Is there a place around here that sells them?"
"Uh... I don't know. It has to be." said Stone. He took his new coffee and sat on one of the chairs. “Do you want me to go get it from the store?”
"Nah..." she objected. When she looked around, she got curious when she couldn't see her cat. "Where's Sylvester?"
Stone looked around, the last time he saw him was before Y/N woke up. "He's around here somewhere. Can't be far away."
Y/N gulped down her coffee and got up to look out for her cat. She searched everywhere -even the bathroom- but the only place she didn't look was Stone's bedroom. The room's door was half-open. As soon as Y/N walked in, she found her cat napping on the bed.
She had never been in this room before. There was nothing in the room other than a large wardrobe, a double-size bed and two nightstands. Something on one of the nightstands caught her attention: Stone's wallet.
She check through the door and quietly approached the wallet. Her purpose was just to look at Mr. Mysterious's ID and learn his name. After another check, she took the wallet, opened it and found his ID among the cards.
Aban Stone
She hummed silently in her head. She put the wallet back in its place and left the room. When she came back to the kitchen, Stone looked at her questioningly.
"Did you find him?"
"Oh, yeah. He's taking a nap, in your room." she said and then added. "You have no idea how grumpy he gets when he's disturbed."
She sat down again and watched the agent, who was finishing his breakfast. She wasn't sure if the name suited him. You could easily guess some people's names by looking at their faces, but Stone wasn't one of them.
"So, what's the plan today?" Y/N asked, breaking the long, deep silence.
"Actually, I was planning to go to a job interview today. At Karen's Coffee. This morning, while I was running, I saw an ad saying they were looking for employees."
"I thought you were an agent..."
"I am. But I need something to provide a monthly cash flow." he said, getting up to refill his and Y/N's coffee. "Besides, I need to get a job so I don't attract too much attention."
"Do you think you can do it? Alright, you make better coffee way above average, but are you talented enough to be stable in this job?" Y/N asked, turning around in her chair, looking at Stone.
"I have a diploma and degrees on this." Stone replied with a proud grin on his face.
Y/N was wide-eyed in surprise, but luckily Stone still had his back turned and didn't see her expression.
"Wow, I didn't know that." she said in a surprised tone.
The grin on his face still hadn't disappeared when Stone turned towards her with two cups in his hands. "There's a lot you don't know yet."
"Because you don't tell!" Y/N snapped at him.
"Everything has its time."
Y/N just made a face at that cliché. While they were sipping their coffee, Sylvester came into the kitchen. She left her coffee cup on the table and took her cat in her arms.
"Heyy, sweet boy!"
Her voice had changed, it always changed when she was talking to her cat. It would become more childish. And Stone noticed this from day one.
While Y/N was playing with her cat, Stone quietly got up and went to his room to get ready. He was ready when he put on his suit jacket and grabbed his wallet and phone. He called out to Y/N one last time before putting on his shoes and leaving the house.
"I'm going out. If you need anything, call me."
"I don't have your number!" Y/N yelled back. She repeated the sentence in a more normal tone as she came to the kitchen door and leaned on the beam. She was looking at the agent who was putting on his shoes on the floor.
Stone stood up, straightened his jacket, took his phone out of his pocket and made a transaction. "Now you have." he said, at the same time as the notification sound on Y/N's phone. Then he put a slight smile on his face and left the house.
Less than half an hour after Stone left, the doorbell rang. Y/N got up from where she was sitting and went to the door. When she looked through the door hole, she saw that the person coming was a courier. She hesitantly opened the door and looked at the courier with frowning and questioning eyes.
"Are you Y/N Y/LN?" said the courier, taking a brief look at the note in their hand.
"This order is for you." said the courier, holding out the package in their hand. "Bon appetit, ma'am." they added, and instead of taking the elevator, they took the stairs and walked away.
Y/N closed the door and walked back into the kitchen with the package in hand. There were two bagels in the package. She jumped slightly with joy when she saw it.
While taking a bite of one of the bagels, she texted Stone.
"Thanks for the bagels!"
At that moment, Stone quickly put on the apron in his hand and looked at the notification on his smart watch. Y/N must've liked the bagels he sent. He quickly replied to her and returned to his work. He was hired right away and now all he had to do was lay low and make money.
"Enjoy it. :)"
Y/N had spent the rest of the day cleaning and working on projects she still hadn't finished. She didn't have much to do at home, she had her phone with her but she couldn't talk to her friends. It's been almost a week since she came here and she hasn't even stepped out. She had to stay away from everything and everyone for a while, for her own safety. Although this seemed relaxing at first, she was starting to get bored.
While her cat was taking his umpteenth nap of the day, she went into Stone's home office and sat down in front of the little robot she had been working on for months. While she was dealing with this, she had her father in the back of her mind, she knew that her interest in mechanics came from blood.
She had designed little things since she was little, and little Y/N had kept them all in hopes of showing them to her father one day. All of them were currently in a box in the attic of her house in New York, waiting to be resurfaced.
When she absentmindedly plugged in her robot, which she thought she had finished, she tripped the house's electrical switch. She returned to the moment with surprise and unplugged the robot. She knew from the beginning that building a cable-powered robot was a mistake, but she tried anyway. She left the room and looked for the little container where the house's electrical switch was located. When she found it, she came out with the help of a chair and looked. Yes, just as she thought, her little robot had tripped the electrical switch. She returned the keys to their original state and got down from the chair. Her whole mood was disappear.
She closed the office's door before her cat woke up, returned to the living room, and sat down on the sofa exhausted. She wanted time to pass as quickly as possible.
Stone adapted easily to his new job. Even though his boss was rude and his co-workers were people he wasn't used to and they tested his patience, there wasn't much he could do. He had completed his first whirlwind day at work and was back home; even if not his body, his nerves were worn out and overwhelmed.
When he opened the door and walked in, Sylvester was at his feet. "Hello, little one." he said before leaning down and picking him up.
He took off his shoes and walked towards the living room with the cat in his arms. Y/N had fallen asleep in front of the TV, sitting on the couch, a very uncomfortable position to sleep.
She woke up startled as Stone gently grabbed the remote control, which was about to fall from her hand.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to turn off the TV..." Stone quickly explained.
"No problem." Y/N replied in her sleepy voice. She turned off the television and sat up, feeling stiff all over. As she tilted her neck left and right to relax, she grimaced in pain.
"It's been a tiring day?" Stone asked, while stroking the fur of the cat that lay calmly on his lap.
"No. Not at all. On the contrary, it's been boring." She exhaled loudly. "I feel like Rapunzel."
Stone raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Why?"
"Because I'm stuck in here and can't go out. Just like her." she replied. Her tone of voice was as if she were telling a truth known by everyone.
"You can't go out yet ." he corrected her. "As soon as I can figure all the things out you're able to can. But for now, you have to be out of sights." he said and added before Y/N could open her mouth. "For your own safety."
"There are coffee stains on your shirt." Y/N said, changing the subject.
Stone looked down at his shirt and grimaced. "Uh... Yeah."
"What happened?"
Stone took a deep, tired sigh and began to explain. "Karen, my new boss, didn't like the coffee I made and sprayed it in my face with the first sip she took."
There was anger hidden in his voice and Y/N noticed it immediately.
"What?! But you make great coffee!"
This sentence brought relief to Stone's face and inside him, he was glad to be understood. "Thanks! But well... not everyone realizes that."
Y/N sat down with one leg under her and turned towards him. "How about you make me the same coffee? Huh?"
"Are you sure?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.
"Absolutely." Y/N answered him without hesitation.
"Alright then..."
He left the cat on his lap, quickly went to his room, changed his clothes, and then immediately went into the kitchen. Without wasting any time, he started making the coffee he had been making for years.
Y/N was still sitting in the same spot when Stone came back into the living room with coffee in hand. "Here you go." he said as he carefully handed the cup to Y/N. "Latte with steamed Austrian goat milk."
Y/N said thank you and lifted the coffee cup to her lips, smelled before drinking. "Smells good." she said and took a big sip and let the taste of the coffee delight her mouth.
"This... is really good." she said and took another sip. It was obvious from her face that she liked it. Stone's lips turned slightly upward.
"It's definitely in the top three coffees I've drank so far. I'm not exaggerating."
The smile on Stone's face grew wider. "Thanks! That's the Doctor's favourite."
Y/N had slightly pursed her lips at this information, but thanks to the coffee cup, Stone hadn't seen it. "That woman, Karen, must be an ignoramus. Who wouldn't like that?"
"I know, right?!" Stone reacted. There was no trace of his despondency from an hour ago, and he owed that entirely to Y/N.
With an idea coming to her mind, she left the study and started looking for Stone at home. She should have shared the idea in her mind immediately. Stone was sitting at the kitchen table and looking at his phone.
"Stone! Stone!! Ah, there you are!"
Stone's eyebrows were furrowed and he put down the phone in his hand and looked at her with questioning eyes. "Is there a problem?"
"Problem? No, no problem. Listen to me, I have a plan." she said in a very confident manner.
Thereupon, Stone relaxed and his facial expression was replaced by curiosity. "About what?"
Y/N placed both of her hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. "What if I told you that Karen's Coffee is the perfect place for putting Robotnik's Manifesto to work?"
"Simple. But not exactly that simple. That place would be a secret base but first, you have manage to do -somehow- all employees quit their job. For example, you're free to sell my father's machines to get money to buy that place. No need to pay back. Don't worry." she explained.
"I'm not gonna sell anything belongs to the Doctor. Forget about it, will you?"
She shrugged. "Okay... Maybe you have hidden money somewhere and you can use it? What do you say?"
"Unfortunately I don't have any hidden money, Y/N."
"Ugh! You don't help. But whatever! I think you able to can find a way to buy that place. And after a few modifications there will be still a lovely coffee shop except one thing: there's no employees but you. You'll be running the coffee shop by your own."
"And with a few little touch, the shop can turn into a total secret base..." Stone concluded her words. He thought about it for a second or two. "It might be work."
"No. It will work." she corrected him, grinning proudly.
Y/N's eyes lit up as she explained her plan and of course Stone noticed. She is a Robotnik, and just like the Doctor, she unconsciously wore the same pride when talking about her plans. Stone looked at the intelligent and beautiful woman in front of him, who didn't want to accept that she still had traces of her father, and smiled at her. It was a very genuine and sincere smile.
When Y/N stopped being proud of herself and looked at Stone, she felt something go on alert in her brain. She knew that what she said affected Stone, but she didn't realize that his reaction would affect her. She decided to do what she always did: change the subject and act like didn't care at all.
"I want pizza! Let's order pizza!" she said, straightened up.
Stone was still smiling as he picked up his phone. "I'm on it."
{New chapter is here guys! Finally I wrote and translated this chapter. I hope you like it! Part four will come but I don't know when. And I wanna thank you all for your patience!}
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Robotnik: Your very existence is confusing to me.
Stone: How is it confusing, doctor?
Robotnik: Your presence is annoying but the thought of anything bad happening to you makes me want to murder people.
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gleaming-glasses · 2 months
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r3d-artist · 4 months
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feral--opossum · 2 years
Fluffy haired Stone? Fluffy haired Stone!
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yumyumlum · 3 months
Stobotnik Crack Posting
Omg this is hysterical and I don't know why.
I'm just sitting giggling here at spamming all the tags in the Sonic Tumblr world with complete absolute and utter garbage for people to walk into.
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artwithkroe · 3 months
For @radioactivetestosterone
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bread-bird-writes · 1 year
Five times Robotnik couldn’t sleep without Stone and one time Stone couldn’t sleep without Robotnik.
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